Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is there a sea creature called a sea worm?How does it look?

I photographed an unknown sea creature at low tide. It was about 18 inches and tangled. It had tentacles and looked like when a snake sheds its skin. When my brother poked it, the creature had undulating movements. if it were not so snake-like I would say sea cucumber. My brother said it was a sea worm. However my research of sea worm did not come close to what I saw at the beach. For now I am calling it tingum but I would like to identify it.|||yes, there's a sea worm...i've already seen that kind of creature and these worms usually live under the sand...|||I Have No Idea Mebbe You Found A New SPecis :[]|||Contact a Marine Biologist at University.

Really hard to determine from your discription.

Did you get a picture? Oh, you did. Take it with you when you go to see an expert.

You say it was definitely about a foot and a half?

That's pretty big.|||there's pics on this site:

"The sea worms are a large and varied group of animals belonging to a group called annelida. They are segmented worms, and all bear at least some resemblance to the common earthworm. In the ocean, however, the worms have evolved many different appearances. One of the more interesting varieties is the tube worms. These animals form a hard-shelled tube that provides them protection. The feather duster worms have a series of feathery tentacles on top that are used to filter nutrients from the water. "

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