Friday, December 9, 2011

Athiets: If we evilved from Monkies, why are there still sea pigs?鈥?/a>|||science has proved that we are 96% Chimp. meaning our genes are only 4% different than a Chimp.

Now to put this in terms you might understand.

If i made you a sandwich with 96% ****, and 4% ham, are you having a **** sandwich or ham sandwich?

and i am Agnostic. and I'll explain to you why i dismiss your god when you can explain why you dismiss all other religion's gods/|||It goes further back than your monkey of a great-great-great-great x eleventybillion uncle. Before we even slithered out of the sea, we still adored bacon. Our distant ancestors raised vast herds of Sea Pigs for their tasty meat and would grill them over volcanic vents on the ocean floor. However, beings made of primordial ooze not understanding that grilling foods on dry land was much different than cooking it over an undersea volcanic vent, left their herds behind during the Great Dry Land Migration and brought only their favorite meat, Sea Bacon, which they promptly burned. Since they'd never actually burned anything before, they thought that surely the Great God of Very Hot and Dry Things had cursed their favorite food! They all promptly switched to alegaeism (a diet still followed to some extent in Japan) and vowed never to eat a Sea Pig again in an attempt to appease this strange, frightening, powerful, Sea Bacon hating deity.

Without the constant pressure put on their population from slaughter for their sweet, tasty Sea Bacon-y goodness, the Sea Pigs thrived, though in a feral state. Their numbers are vastly decreased today because they are continuously caught up in nets by mistake. However, you will notice that even to this day we do not eat Sea Bacon from the Sea Pigs. (Though of course we all still love bacon)

And that's the truth.

Edit@Questioner: I don't think most of them "got" your Q.|||First of all, why did you limit your question to A-T-H-I-E-S-T-S (note spelling)? Many Christians and other people of faith accept the Theory of Evolution.

Secondly, we are not E-V-O-L-V-E-D (note spelling) from M-O-N-K-E-Y-S (note spelling). Monkeys and humans share a common evolutionary ancestor.

Lastly, what do "sea pigs" have to do with the evolution of monkeys and humans?|||Look God is great and evolution is a lie conspired by me and a bunch of my friends a few years back. We did it as a joke and it just got way out of hand. I'm sorry ok please you don't have to post anymore questions I'll clear everything up with everyone. Just mind your business and go back to not thinking or spelling things correctly even though YA has a spell checker. I'm really sorry I know this whole thing has been hard for you. Do you feel better now?|||Evilved? Athiets? Monkies? How do any of these things relate to sea pigs? And why is monkies capitalized. We didn't EVOLVE from MONKEYS, we share a common ancestor with them. Why are there still sea pigs? No clue... but what do they have to do with the question?|||Are you talking about the girl in the picture, or what she's holding?

Hope she's not your girlfriend, or someone isn't getting laid for a long time once she sees this question.|||Christians: If we are perfect in god's image, then why are human beings evolving and being born without appendices?|||Sea pigs still exist because - and this is a little known fact - God created sea pigs in his own image.|||You are absolutely the dumbest person ever.|||Your family never totally evolved, but give it time|||Wow! It's a photo of a chick holding a sea cucumber.|||We didn't "evilve" from monkeys we have a similar gene structure|||Don't question the will of the sea kittens.|||Just because we have zippers does not mean we don't have buttons any more.|||Wheee I can fly|||Yeah, and what about the report monkeys? They're still monkeys aren't they?|||Well, some of us did. Evolve.

Oh, could you imagine the smell!

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