Friday, December 9, 2011

Is it ok to eat seafood if you are a vegetarian?

I like my vegetarian sushi wrapped in seaweed. I enjoy sea salt on my Sea orach salads. I also enjoy sea cucumber.|||I eat some seafood. I've been a vegetarian since I was 3. I just don't like the taste/texture of meat related products. There are alot of fish I don't eat either. I only like crab and shrimp and clams if they are fried. I only eat tilapia for fish. But mine is a texture/taste issue. I'm probably not "official" as a vegetarian. No idea. I'm just me!|||i think so but its up to you...|||It's fine as long as the seafood doesn't include meat from the ocean. Like tuna, octopus, roe eggs..etc.|||Sea vegetables are fine. Sea critters are generally not eaten by vegetarians. Since a sea cucumber is a type of fish, a vegetarian would not eat it.

~Morg~|||No if you mean the traditional definition of seafood - which is sea animals. Seaweed and sea salt are fine.|||lol, yeppers thats totally ok. I love those "seafoods" too! I also like sea asparagus, wakame, and kame. I think I will stick to a seafood diet! I wonder how many will misinterpret the question? Be prepared to get told NO-VEGETARIANS DONT EAT FISH, LOL|||Seaweed is a vegetable, not an animal. So it's OK.

Sea salt is a mineral, not an animal. It's OK.

Sea cucumber is an animal. It's not vegetarian.|||It depends on what your definition of "seafood" is. If you like eating seaweed salad (found at Japanese restaurants), seaweed soup (Chinese restaurants), or nori-wrapped sushi, then you're not eating non-vegetarian food.

However, if you eat fish, shrimp, oysters, etc., then that isn't part of a vegetarian diet.

By the way, were you aware that despite their name, sea cucumbers are animals, not vegetables?|||What's a sea orach?

Anyway a sea cucumber is an animal, so that's not vegetarian. Seaweed and other sea plants are fine.|||What do you mean by, "Is it OK?" If what you are asking is, "Will it kill me?," I somehow don't think so. And if it would kill you, then what's the point of being a vegetarian? We omnivores eat plenty of seafood and go on living as usual.|||Well in my opinion a true vegetarian doesn't eat any animal what so ever, but that's just me. So if you want to eat seafood then go ahead.|||Vegetarians don't eat animals. Sea salt is ok....the other two things sound just GROSS!!! Even a meat eater wouldn't eat them.|||Sea animals are still meat, so I don't consider them to be vegetarian foods. However, some people call themselves vegetarian even though they eat fish and stuff.|||What you can eat depends on what type of Vegetarian you are. The main types are listed below. Some people call themselves Veggie's if they eat fish, but this is not the case, as you can see below. If Vegetarians do eat eggs, they usually use free-range eggs. Those that eat cheese will only eat Vegetarian Cheese, as some cheeses are made using rennet from a cow's stomach. More and more cheeses are using a Vegetarian alternative to this. I personally am a Octo-Lacto Vegetarian. Congrats on your decision to be a vegetarian. Not only are you saving animals you are greatly improving your health. Bravo!

Octo-Lacto Vegetarian (The most popular definition, also known as Ovo-Lacto)

Vegetarians eat no red meat, poultry, fish, or products that have ingredients which are animal-based such as Gelatine. They do eat Vegetarian cheese, yoghurt, milk, eggs, honey etc. They also don't wear leather or fur.

Lacto Vegetarian

Lactose-Vegetarians do not eat any foods that involve the slaughter of animals. They don't eat eggs, but do eat Vegetarian cheese, yoghurt, and milk.


Vegans do not eat the same things as vegetarians but also will not eat any product that is derived from animals. No meat, cheese, butter, milk, eggs or honey.

Demi-Vegetarian (commonly misinterpreted as Vegetarian by meat-eaters)

Demi-Vegetarians don't eat red meat or poultry, but they do eat fish, eggs, Vegetarian cheese, and milk-based products. This is not true Vegetarianism, although it is probably easiest for those just starting to become Veggie.


A Fruitarian is somebody who believes that you should not kill any living thing to survive. Instead, they can only eat the fruit of plants that don't actually mean death to the plant. This is actually true believe it or not!

For more info on vegetarianism, how your helping your health and the animals, check out|||No. The seaweed is okay because it is a plant. However, a sea cucumber is actually an animal. Vegetarians do not eat animals!|||Seaweed is not seafood its a plant :)|||So your eating sea vegetables? Cool.

P.S. your picture scares me.|||If the sea-creature is an animal I would think that a vegetarian would never eat it, but some people think that fish don't count and eat them anyway. Plants such as seaweed, sea orach and sea cucumber would not count as anti-vegetarian. Meats and fish are a no-no....plants are a go-go.|||Go away, troll. You don't even know what a sea cucumber is ...

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