Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the sea cucumber worth annually?

In China the annual catch is 5,800 tonnes. In Malaysia it is 400-500 tonnes. Australia doesn't do as much trepanging as it used to.|||I wonder if you know what a sea cucumber is. It is an animal that lives in the sea and vaguely resembles a cucumber. It has no use or value to humans that I am aware of.

"Sea cucumbers are echinoderms. Sea cucumbers are sausage shaped, and their skin is covered with warty bumps or soft spines. When threatened, cucumbers can contract their muscles and shoot out water from their body making them shorter, thicker, and harder. Some can even shoot out their insides and then go and grow new insides."

Edit: You are right. I had no idea that people actually eat them.|||Depends on whether it has a college degree or not.

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